
نبذات حسن نمير

لدى المؤلف حسن نمير 3 نبذات على منصة كتب لي

العودة الى صفحة حسن نمير

النبذات باللّغة العربية

الكاتب العراقي الكندي حسن نمير تخرج من جامعة سايمون فريزر بدرجة البكالوريوس في اللغة الإنجليزية وحصل على جائزة ينغ تشن للكتابة الإبداعية للطالب. وهو مؤلف كتاب God in Pink (2015) ، الحائز على جائزة Lambda Literary Award لأفضل رواية للمثليين ، وتم اختياره كواحد من أفضل 100 كتاب لعام 2015 من قبل The Globe and Mail. تم عرض أعماله أيضًا على Huffington Post ، و Shaw TV ، و Airbnb ، في فيلم God in Pink: A Documentary ، Breakfast Television Toronto ، CTV Morning Live Saskatoon. تم تسميته مؤخرًا كاتبًا لمشاهدته بواسطة كتب CBC. وهو أيضًا مؤلف كتاب الشعر War / Torn (2019 ، Book * Hug Press) ، وكتاب الأطفال The Name I Call Myself (2020 ، Arsenal Pulp Press) و Umbilical Cord (Book * Hug Press). حسن هو المنسق الضيف لمجتمع LGBTQ2s + في Word Vancouver لهذا العام. يعيش في الأراضي غير المعزولة من Kwantlen و Katzie و Semiahmoo و Tsawwassen First Nations. مع زوجها وطفلهما.

مصدر النبذة غير معروف.

النبذات باللّغة الإنجليزية

Iraqi-Canadian author Hasan Namir graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in English and received the Ying Chen Creative Writing Student Award. He is the author of God in Pink (2015), which won the Lambda Literary Award for Best Gay Fiction and was chosen as one of the Top 100 Books of 2015 by The Globe and Mail. His work has also been featured on Huffington Post, Shaw TV, Airbnb, in the film God in Pink: A Documentary, Breakfast Television Toronto, CTV Morning Live Saskatoon. He was recently named a writer to watch by CBC books. He is also the author of poetry book War/Torn (2019, Book*Hug Press), children’s book The Name I Call Myself (2020, Arsenal Pulp Press) and Umbilical Cord (Book*Hug Press). Hasan is this year’s LGBTQ2s+ guest curator for Word Vancouver. He lives on the unceded territories of the Kwantlen, Katzie, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen First Nations. with his husband and their child.

مصدر النبذة غير معروف.

Hasan Namir is an Iraqi-Canadian writer. Born in Iraq in 1987, Namir moved to Canada with his family at age 11. He is a graduate of Simon Fraser University, and lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. God in Pink, a novel about a gay man living in Baghdad during the Iraq War, was published by Arsenal Pulp Press in 2015. The book won the 2016 Lambda Literary Award for Gay Fiction. In 2019, he was named one of "19 Canadian writers to watch in 2019" by the CBC. His poetry book War / Torn was release...

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