
نبذات Gabriel Gbadamosi

لدى المؤلف Gabriel Gbadamosi 2 نبذات على منصة كتب لي

العودة الى صفحة Gabriel Gbadamosi

النبذات باللّغة الإنجليزية

Gabriel Gbadamosi is an Irish-Nigerian poet, playwright and essayist born in London. He was AHRC Creative and Performing Arts Fellow at the Pinter Centre, Goldsmiths, and a Judith E. Wilson Fellow for creative writing at Cambridge University. His plays include Shango, Hotel Orpheu and for radio The Long, Hot Summer of ’76(BBC Radio 3), which won the Richard Imison Award. He has presented Night Waves on BBC Radio 3 and Art Beat on the World Service. Vauxhall (Telegram) is his first novel. www.gabrielgbadamosi.com

النبذة متوفرة من قبل Saqi Books. منقولة من هنا.

Gabriel Gbadamosi (born 1961) is a British poet, playwright and novelist of Irish-Nigerian descent. He is founding editor of the online literary platform WritersMosaic, an initiative of The Royal Literary Fund. Biography Gbadamosi was born in London, where he grew up in Vauxhall. He studied English at Cambridge University, earning a BA (Hons) degree. He held an AHRC Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship at Goldsmiths, University of London 2006–2009, based in the Department of Theatre and Pe...

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