جو قاضي كاتب عابر/كوير، معوق، عربي-كندي. هو معلم من أجل العدالة الاجتماعية ، يدرس في برنامج دراسات الاجتماع والجنس ، جامعة كالجاري.
مصدر النبذة غير معروف.
Joe Kadi is a transgender/queer, disabled, Arab-Canadian/SWANA (South West Asian and North African) man. He has had his writing published in numerous places, including Beyond Memory: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Creative Nonfiction, Sajjilu Arab American: A Reader in SWANA Studies, and Arc Poetry Magazine. He writes regularly for Mizna: Prose, Poetry, and Art Exploring Arab America.
An educator for social justice, he teaches in the Gender and Sexuality Studies program, University of Calgary. He edited the anthology Food For Our Grandmothers: Writings by Arab-American and Arab-Canadian Feminists (South End Press, 1994), and wrote Thinking Class: Sketches...
مصدر النبذة غير معروف.