
لوكاس بيرفوس

لوكاس بيرفوس

(كانون الأول ١٩٧١ - الحاضر)

🇨🇭 سويسرا

Lukas Bärfuss (born 30 December 1971) is a Swiss writer and playwright who writes in German. He won the Georg Büchner Prize in 2019. Biography Born in Thun, Switzerland in 1971, Lukas Bärfuss began training as a bookseller after graduating from high school. In 1998, he co-founded the independent theater group 400asa. Awards Bärfuss has won the Mülheimer Dramatikerpreis in 2005 for the play Der Bus (Das Zeug einer Heiligen), the Anna Seghers-Preis in 2008, the Hans Fallada Prize in 2010, th...

النبذة منقولة من موقع ويكيبيديا وقد عدّلت النبذة آخر مرة في أيار ٢٠٢٤.

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