
هدى كساتلي

هدى كساتلي

🇱🇧 لبنان

Houda is an ethnologist, photographer, & researcher associated with the Interdisciplinary Research Unit on Memory of Saint-Joseph University (UIRM), and directs the Culture program of the Lebanese association Arcenciel. She founded Al Ayn publishing house, specializing in the cultural and architectural heritage of Lebanon and the Middle East. Author of numerous books, including several on Beirut, her photographs have been the subject of numerous exhibitions in Lebanon, France and Belgium. Houda joined BHI as the main coordinator.

مصدر النبذة غير معروف.

4 المؤلفات

Le chant de la terre
Kamik Tellyan
kotobli logo

سياق، تنوع، وكتب ممتعة