
Pax Syriana Elite Politics In Postwar Lebanon

Pax Syriana Elite Politics In Postwar Lebanon

رولا الحسيني (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

غير خيالي

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2012 باللّغة الإنجليزية
The recent political history of Lebanon has been defined by the legacy of war. In addition to repeated external invasions and the ongoing presence of foreign troops of diverse nationalities, the Lebanese people have endured the scars left by a bitterly contested civil war that began in the spring of 1975 and continued unabated for the next fifteen years. While much has been written about the tragedy of the civil war, el-Husseini’s Pax Syriana is the first book focused on the evolution of the postwar political scene.In a series of negotiations brokered by Saudi Arabia, under the auspices of the larger international community, the civil war came to an end with the signing of the Ta’if Agreement. This agreement ushered in an era of Syrian control...

قوائم القراءة التي يظهر الكتاب بها

حقائق وتحاليل: فهم تاريخ وتعددية الحرب الأهلية اللبنانية

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