
My People Shall Live

My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary as Told to George Hajjar

George Hajjar (محرر/محررة)

ليلى خالد (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

نشرت الطبعة سنة 1973 باللّغة الإنجليزية

The autobiography of a revolutionary Leila Khaled. "The most obvious moral of this book is that violence always breeds more violence. The Nazis subjected the Jews to violence. The Jews treated the Palestinians with violence. The Palestinians see violence as the only means of recovering their country and their freedom. At the age of twenty, Leila Khaled wrote, "armed struggle is the way of salvation"....Yet this determined young woman did not call on her comrades to exterminate the Israelis or to drive them into the sea. When victory is won, she says, we will establish a democratic state in Palestine with Jews and native Palestinians on equal terms. The author's descriptions of her hijacking exploits are vividly written and exciting. We do not often have the opportunity to hear an account of such incidents written by the hijacker rather than by the victims. 

كتب مشابهة

Peace And Its Discontents
I Saw Ramallah
Light the Road of Freedom
Looking for Palestine
In Search of Fatima
The Storyteller of Jerusalem
أنا والقدس
تلك الأمكنة
زمن زياد
أحداث ومواقف
مسيرة ورهان
نزار مروة في عوالمه الثقافية وفي دروب حياته
Palestinian Walks
المتن المجهول
في خضم النضال العربي الفلسطيني
بين منشية يافا وجبل الخليل
نكبة وبقاء
القدس العثمانية في المذكرات الجوهرية
In the Land of My Birth

قوائم القراءة التي يظهر الكتاب بها

مناهضة استعمار فلسطين

101 كتاب |

عرض الكل

book 1
book 2
book 3
book 4
book 5
book 6

مذكرات مؤلفات عربيّات

102 كتاب |

عرض الكل

book 1
book 2
book 3
book 4
book 5
book 6
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