

Levant: Recipes and memories from the Middle East

أنيسة حلو (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

غير خيالي

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2013 باللّغة الإنجليزية

Anissa Helou’s Levant is a collection of mouth-watering recipes inspired by Anissa’s family and childhood in Beirut and Syria, and her travels around the exciting regions of the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.

‘This treasure trove of a book is all you need, really, to cook the food of the Levant. It is as comprehensive and conclusive as it gets, but it also tells charming personal stories and masterfully takes you on a journey to all those enchanted lands.’ Yotam Ottolenghi

Levant, or rising of the sun, is the crossroads where western Asia, eastern Mediterranean and northwest Africa meet. A land that is culturally diverse but united by common culinary threads.

In this personal tour Anissa introduces the stunning...

كتب مشابهة

الشيف رمزي في عالم الصباح
Rose Water and Orange Blossoms
Palestine on a Plate
Mama Ghannouj
Soup for Syria
Forever Beirut
The Aleppo Cookbook
The Jewelled Kitchen
The Jewelled Table
Flavours of Aleppo
Lebanese Cuisine
Classic Palestinian Cuisine
Le Grand livre du Mezzé libanais
The Palestinian Table

قوائم القراءة التي يظهر الكتاب بها

كتب عن الاكل من بلاد الشام

23 كتاب |

عرض الكل

book 1
book 2
book 3
book 4
book 5
book 6
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