
Menorahs and Minarets

Menorahs and Minarets

كمال رحيم (روائي) (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

ساره عناني (مترجم/مترجمة)


نشرت الطبعة سنة 2017 باللّغة الإنجليزية
After ten years in Paris, Galal returns to Cairo, where he finds a society in transformation. Egypt is Galal’s home, but he feels he no longer belongs there. He is caught between his two identities: his Jewish mother’s family are cosmopolitan business people, while his father’s family are rural farmers from the Delta.Kamal Ruhayyim paints an uncompromising portrait of an older generation dictating how their children live and love. Menorahs and Minarets is the concluding part of Ruhayyim’s compelling trilogy.
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