
In Jail with Nazım Hikmet

In Jail with Nazım Hikmet

Orhan Kemal (مؤلف/مؤلفة)

Bengisu Rona (مترجم/مترجمة)

السير الذاتية والمذكرات

أدب السجون

نشرت الطبعة سنة 2010 باللّغة الإنجليزية
Bursa prison, mid-winter 1940. Two prisoners meet, both writers, both serving long sentences for allegedly inciting Turkish soldiers to mutiny. One is Turkey’s most famous poet and communist, Nazım Hikmet; the other a young, aspiring poet, Orhan Kemal, who now shares a cell with the man whose work he has long admired.In this prison memoir, Orhan Kemal reminisces on the time he shared with the remarkable poet and describes how Nazım inspired him to become one of Turkey’s most popular and successful novelists.A fascinating account of one of the most poignant friendships in Turkish letters, this volume includes Orhan Kemal’s diary entries and Nazım’s letters to him after Orhan’s release from prison in 1943.
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