

Dreams: Winter 2020

العدد 8 من مجلة ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly

The DREAMS-themed issue of ArabLit Quarterly features dream manuals, short stories, poetry, essays, reflections, art, dream manuals, recipes, and a graphic novel from the murky world of dreams, where we have both play and nightmares. As always, work ranges over eras, and includes a dreamy tenth-century recipe, an excerpt from the dream manual by Syrian scholar Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi (1641-1731), translated by his descendent Yasmine Seale; essays by the great Lebanese modernist Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq (d. 1887), here in seance-conversation with Rana Issa and Suneela Mubayi; and a poem by the award-winning colloquial Egyptian poet and booktuber Nada El Shabrawy (b. 1995) and a short story by the young Palestinian writer Ameer Hamad (b. 1992)....

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