
Amazon Publishing
تاريخ التأسيس: 2009
Amazon Publishing is a leading trade publisher of fiction, nonfiction, and children’s books with a mission to empower outstanding storytellers and connect them with readers worldwide. We publish emerging, bestselling and critically-acclaimed authors in digital, print, and audio formats. With Amazon’s drive for innovation and passion for books, we merge technology and art to support our authors and help their stories change the world.Amazon Publishing was founded in 2009 and since day one, our goal has been to make authors happy, connect writers with a global audience, and innovate on behalf of authors and readers.In our first two years, we launched five imprints, including Montlake, Thomas & Mercer, and 47North, as well as our world literature...

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War and Me

2 الكتّاب والمساهمون

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