
Columbia University Press
تاريخ التأسيس: 1893
Columbia University Press advances knowledge about our world through essential writing and research focusing on the global, the urban, and the contemporary. For more than 125 years, our widely reviewed and award-winning books have brought new ideas and foundational understanding to students, academics across different disciplines, policy makers, and general readers around the world. Through our publishing program, we embody our parent institution’s educational and research mission as well as its international reputation.

7 كتب

The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism
Palestinians in the Arab World
Palestinian Identity
سجلات السلب، أملاك اللاجئين الفلسطينيين والصراع العربي – الإسرائيلي
The Naqab Bedouins

2 الكتّاب والمساهمون

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