Algerian-born Berber poet and folksinger. Born in the Kabylia region of Eastern Algeria in 1882; died in Brittany on July 9, 1967; an out-of-wedlock child, she was raised by French nuns.
One of the first, if not the first, women educated in colonial Algeria; uneasily suspended between Berber and French culture, Amrouche recorded the vicissitudes of her life in her autobiography My Life Story: The Autobiography of a Berber Woman.
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on February 2024.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2024.
فاطمة آيت منصور عمروش (بالأمازيغية: فَاظْمَة أَثْ منصور عمروش -أو مارغريت آيت منصور فيما بعد)، كاتبة باللهجة القبائلية الممزوجة بالتعبيرات الفرنسية. وُلدت عام 1882 في قرية تيزي هيبل (والتي تُسمى حاليًا ببلدة أيت محمود بالجزائر)، ماتت في 9 يوليو 1967 في سان بريس أون كوغليس (إيل وفيلان)، وهي والدة الكاتبين جون وطاووس عمروش.
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2024.