

Biographies of Kwame Dawes

Author Kwame Dawes has 2 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Kwame Senu Neville Dawes (born 28 July 1962) is a Ghanaian poet, actor, editor, critic, musician, and former Louis Frye Scudder Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of South Carolina. He is now Professor of English at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and editor-in-chief at Prairie Schooner magazine. New York–based Poets & Writers named Dawes as a recipient of the 2011 Barnes & Noble Writers for Writers Award, which recognises writers who have given generously to other writers or to the ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on May 2024.

French biographies

Kwame Dawes (Kwame Senu Neville Dawes) , né le 18 juillet 1962 au Ghana, est un poète, romancier, dramaturge, essayiste, nouvelliste, anthologiste et universitaire américain. Il est professeur de littérature anglaise à l'université du Nebraska. En 2018, il est élu chancelier de l'Academy of American Poets. Il est notamment connu pour ses études sur les textes de l'auteur-compositeur-interprète Bob Marley. Biographie Kwame Senu Neville Dawes, né au Ghana, est le fils de Sophia et Neville Dawes...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2024.

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