One of the Arab world's leading intellectuals, Sabry Hafez is a Research Professor of Modern Arabic at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS). He has published numerous books and articles in both Arabic and English. His translations of poetry into Arabic, including T S Eliot, have had a significant effect on the development of contemporary Arabic poetry. He is the editor of the cultural website, Al-Kalimah (The Word).
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.
صبري حافظ (و. ح. 1939)، هو أستاذ اللغة العربية المعاصرة والأدب المقارن في جامعة لندن، مدرسة الدراسات الشرقية والأفريقية، ورئيس تحرير مجلة الكلمة
Biography source is unknown.