Writer and editor Alia Mamdouh was born in Baghdad, Iraq, in 1944. She attended the University of Mastansariya, graduating in 1971 with a degree in psychology, and went on to work for several Iraqi publications, including al-Rasid magazine (title means "The Register"), for which she served as editor-in-chief from 1970 to 1982, and al-Fikr al-Mu'asir (title means "Contemporary Thought"). She began writing fiction in the 1970s, starting out with short stories and then moving on to novels, always writing in her native Arabic, even after she left Iraq in 1982. Mamdouh continued to write after she moved first to Morocco and then to Europe. She eventually settled in Paris, producing additional novels and contributing to various Arabic-language...
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on July 2023.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2023.
عالية ممدوح من مواليد بغداد 1944ـ اكملت جميع مراحل الدراسة في بغداد ، وتخرجت من الجامعة المستنصرية فرع علم النفس في العام 1971.ـ شغلت وظيفة رئيسة تحرير جريدة الراصد البغدادية الاسبوعية بين الفترة 1971 إلى 1982 .ـ شغلت امانة تحرير مجلة العلوم البيروتية 1973 ولعام واحد .ـ شغلت مركز رئيسة تحرير مجلة الفكر المعاصر الفصلية بين 1973 إلى 1975 في بيروت .ـ شغلت مديرة مكتب مجلة شؤون فلسطينية في بغداد من العام 1980 إلى 1982 ، حين كانت المنظمة في تونس .ـ نشرت في عموم المجلات الفكرية والثقافية العربية ؛ الكرمل ، الطريق ، مواقف ، القاهرة الجديدة ، وفي الصحافة العربية وما زالت تكتب وتعمل في الصحافة الأدبية .ـ اصدرت أول مجموعة قصصية بعنوان أفتتاحية للضحك عن دار العودة ، بيروت ، 1973.ـ اصدرت مجموعة قصصية بعنوان : هوامش...
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was provided by Dar Al Adab. Retrieved from here.
Biography was provided by Dar Al Saqi. Retrieved from here.
Biography was provided by Almutawassit. Retrieved from here.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2023.