Ali Eyal was born in The Forest, Small Farm. After earning a diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts, Baghdad, 2015, he studied at the HWP/Home Workspace, Independent Study Program at Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon, 2016-17. His work explores the complex relationships between personal history, transitory memories, politics, and identity, using a variety of mediums, with a focus on drawing, transformed through other artistic modalities, such as text,installations, photography, and video. His work has been exhibited at MoMa PS1, New York,Beirut Art Center, Lebanon, and Warehouse, Abu Dhabi, UAE, among other venues. Eyal’svideo works have been included in several exhibitions and festivals including the...
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on November 2023.
علي عيال هو فنان تشكيلي عراقي ويقيم حاليا في لوس أنجلوس ويعمل دوليا. يستكشف عمله العلاقات المعقدة بين التاريخ الشخصي والذكريات العابرة والسياسة والهوية باستخدام وسائط مختلفة ، تعتمد بشكل أساسي على الرسم ، وتتحول بشكل أكبر من خلال وسائط أخرى - مثل فن التركيب والتصوير الفوتوغرافي والنص والفيديو.
Biography source is unknown.
Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2023.