

Biographies of Ulrich Peltzer

Author Ulrich Peltzer has 2 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Ulrich Peltzer (born 9 December 1956) is a German novelist. Life Peltzer was born in Krefeld. Starting in 1975, he studied philosophy and social psychology in Berlin. He graduated as a psychologist in 1982. Since then he has been working as a full-time author. As of 2007, he has written five novels. Four of them deal with his experiences in Berlin, but one takes place in New York (Bryant Park). Peltzer usually rejects conventional, realistic descriptions of reality. Instead, his characters ar...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on January 2024.

French biographies

Ulrich Peltzer, né le 9 décembre 1956 à Krefeld, est un écrivain allemand. Biographie En 1975, Ulrich Peltzer étudie la philosophie et la psychologie à Berlin et obtient son diplôme de psychologue en 1982. Il travaille ensuite à Berlin à l'Institut de psychiatrie légale et en tant que projectionniste. Lauréat du prix Anna-Seghers en 1997, il obtient le prix Heinrich Böll en 2011 et les prix Franz Hessel et Marieluise Fleißer en 2015. Ulrich Peltzer est invité en résidence à Paris-Sorbonne ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on November 2021.

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