

Biographies of Hassan Massoudy

Author Hassan Massoudy has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Hassan Massoudy (حسن المسعود الخطاط), born in 1944, is an Iraqi painter and calligrapher, considered by the French writer Michel Tournier as the "greatest living calligrapher", who currently lives in Paris. His work has influenced a generation of calligraffiti artists. Early life Hassan Massoudy was born in 1944 in Najaf, central Iraq, and grew up in a traditional society. He moved to Baghdad in 1961, where he was apprenticed to various calligraphers and exhibited a talent for classic Arabic ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on November 2023.

Hassan Massoudy was born in Najaf, Iraq. He moved to France in 1969, where he studied at L’École des Beaux-Arts. Considered to be one of the greatest living calligraphers, his work has influenced a generation of artists. It has been exhibited throughout Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, and is housed in the permanent collections of the British Museum and the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, among others. Nineteen books of Massoudy’s calligraphy have been published in France, where he now lives. His publications in English include The Calligrapher’s Garden, Calligraphies of Love and Calligraphies of the Desert.

Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.

French biographies

Hassan Massoudy (en arabe : حسن المسعود, Ḥasan al-Masʿūd) est un peintre et calligraphe irakien né en 1944 à Nadjaf. Formé à la calligraphie arabe traditionnelle et membre du mouvement Hurufiyya, il est l'auteur d'une calligraphie moderne. Il a influencé une génération d'artistes calligraffiti. Biographie Hassan Massoudy est né en 1944 dans une société traditionnelle marquée par la rigueur de la religion. Très jeune, il investit sa passion de l'art dans le dessin et la calligraphie arabe. En ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2023.

Arabic biographies

حسن المسعود (مواليد عام 1944 النجف)، وهو خطاط عراقي. سيرة = البداية = ولد الخطاط حسن المسعود في عام 1944 بمدينة النجف في جنوب العراق، وهو في السن الطفولة رأى خطوط خاله الخطاط الهاوي ولاقى تشجيع ومساندة المعلمين والاساتذه الفنانين في المدرسة الابتدائية والمتوسطة. في عام 1961 توجه إلى بغداد للعمل مع الخطاطين البغداديين. فتعلم الأساليب التقليدية للخط العربي والأدب المحيط بعالم الخط. = باريس = في عام 1969 سافر إلى باريس ليدرس الرسم والتصوير الزيتي في المدرسة العليا للفنون الجميلة «البوزار». فمك...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on November 2023.

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