

Biographies of Kareem James Abu-Zeid

Author Kareem James Abu-Zeid has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Kareem James Abu-Zeid (born 1981) is an Egyptian-American translator, editor, and writer. He was born in Kuwait and grew up in the Middle East. He studied French and German language and literature at Princeton University, taking translation workshops under poets CK Williams and Paul Muldoon, and graduating summa cum laude in 2003. He lived an itinerant life around Europe and the Middle East for several years, before moving to California for graduate studies. He obtained a master's degree and a ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2024.

Kareem James Abu-Zeid is a translator, editor, writer, teacher, and scholar who works across multiple languages. As an acclaimed translator of Arabic literature, he works with prominent English-language publishing houses to introduce the writings of Arab poets and novelists to a broad audience, seeking to promote Arabic literature in the US and around the world. While he enjoys translating all kinds of texts, he is particularly fond of Arabic poetry.

Kareem has received numerous awards, fellowships, honors, and residencies for his work as a translator and a scholar, including PEN Center USA's 2017 Translation Prize, the 2022 Sarah Maguire Prize for Poetry in Translation, a 2018 National Endowment for the Arts translation...

Biography is provided by the author. Retrieved from here.

Kareem James Abu-Zeid, PhD is a freelance translator of poets and novelists from across the Arab world who translates from Arabic, French, and German. His work has won numerous awards and accolades, including the 2022 Sarah Maguire Prize for Poetry in Translation for the Palestinian poet Najwan Darwish’s book Exhausted on the Cross (NYRB Poets, 2021). He is also the author of The Poetics of Adonis and Yves Bonnefoy: Poetry as Spiritual Practice (Lockwood, 2019). His most recent translation is Chaos, Crossing by Olivia Elias (WorldPoetry Books, 2022). The online hub for his work is http://www.kareemjamesabuzeid.com.

Biography was provided by Skein Press. Retrieved from here.

Arabic biographies

كريم جيمس أبو زيد (يُكتب اسمه بالإنجليزية: Kareem James Abu-Zeid) ـ (ولد سنة 1981) هو مترجم ومحرر وكاتب مصري أمريكي، ترجم العديد من الأعمال الشعرية والروائية العربية إلى الإنجليزية. حياته ولد أبو زيد في دولة الكويت ونشأ في المنطقة العربية، قبل أن يتجه إلى دراسة اللغات الأوروبية في جامعة برنستون إلى جانب حضور بعض ورش العمل في مجال الترجمة. حصل أبو زيد على درجة البكالوريوس في الأدبين الفرنسي والألماني من جامعة برنستون سنة 2003، ثم على زمالة فولبرايت بحثية في ألمانيا وزمالة كاسا من الجامعة الأم...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2023.

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