

Biographies of Erik Linstrum

Author Erik Linstrum has 2 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Erik Linstrum is a historian known for his research on the interplay between psychology, media, and British colonialism. He presently works as an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia. Linstrum's scholarship has focused on events during decolonisation, such as the Cyprus Emergency, the Mau Mau rebellion, and the Malayan Emergency. Honours and awards For his contributions to historical scholarship, Erik Linstrum has received a series of honors and awards: Harold K. Gross Prize, Dep...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on March 2024.

Erik Linstrum is a historian of modern Britain in its imperial, European, and global contexts. His research explores the politics of knowledge and the circulation of information, with particular interests in science and technology, war and violence, and the long history of decolonization. His first book, Ruling Minds: Psychology in the British Empire, won the George Louis Beer Prize of the American Historical Association for the best book of the year in European international history. He is now writing a history of knowledge about colonial violence in post-1945 Britain. Tentatively titled Age of Emergency, it traces reports of atrocities in Malaya, Kenya, and Cyprus as they circulated through British society: from the anticolonial left to...

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