

Biographies of Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela

Author Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (born 15 February 1955) is the Research Chair in Studies in Historical Trauma and Transformation at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. She graduated from Fort Hare University with a bachelor's degree and an Honours degree in psychology. She obtained her master's degree in Clinical Psychology at Rhodes University. She received her PhD in psychology from the University of Cape Town. Her doctoral thesis, entitled "Legacies of violence: An in-depth analysis of two case ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2024.

Professor Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela holds the South African National Research Chair in Violent Histories and Transgenerational Trauma. Her work focuses mainly on two strands of research. The first is exploring ways in which the impact of the dehumanising experiences of oppression and violence continues to play out in the next generation in the aftermath of historical trauma. For her second research area, she expands her earlier work on the relationship between remorse and forgiveness and probes the role of empathy more deeply by engaging a perspective that makes transparent the interconnected relationship among empathy, Ubuntu and the embodied African phenomenon of inimba—a Xhosa word that loosely translated means “umbilical cord". The goal is...

Biography source is unknown.

French biographies

Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela (née le 15 février 1955 à Langa, un township situé près du Cap en Afrique du Sud) est une psychologue sud-africaine et une professeur de psychologie clinique à l'université du Cap. De 1996 à 1998, elle est membre de la Commission de la vérité et de la réconciliation. Elle a enquêté à ce titre sur des crimes commis durant l'apartheid, a rencontré des victimes et des bourreaux, et notamment Eugene de Kock, ancien chef d’une section d’escadrons de la mort. Cela a donné lieu...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on November 2020.

Arabic biographies

بوملا جوبودو-ماديكيزيلا (من مواليد 15 فبراير 1955) هي رئيسة البحث في دراسات الصدمات التاريخية والتحول في جامعة ستيلينبوش في جنوب إفريقيا. تخرجت من جامعة فورت هير بدرجة البكالوريوس ودرجة الشرف في علم النفس. حصلت على درجة الماجستير في علم النفس العيادي من جامعة رودس. حصلت على درجة الدكتوراه في علم النفس من جامعة كيب تاون. تقدم أطروحتها للدكتوراه بعنوان "تراث العنف: تحليل متعمق لدراستي حالة استنادًا إلى مقابلات مع مرتكبي جريمة قتل "القلادة" ومع يوجين دي كوك"، منظورًا يدمج مفاهيم التحليل النفسي والن...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2024.

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