

Biographies of Amr Ezzat

Author Amr Ezzat has 2 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Amr Ezzat is an Egyptian writer who studied engineering and philosophy. He worked as an engineer and then a journalist before becoming a human rights researcher and a writer for numerous newspapers and other periodicals. He remembers his dreams very well.

Biography source is unknown.

Arabic biographies

عمرو عزت كاتب مصري، درس الهندسة والفلسفة، عمل مهندسا ثم صحفيا ثم باحثا حقوقيا وكاتب مقالات لعدد من الصحف والدوريات. يتذكر أحلامه جيدا.

Biography source is unknown.

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