

Biographies of André Breton

Author André Breton has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

André Breton (1896–1966), the founder and principal theorist of the Surrealist movement, is one of the major literary figures of the twentieth century. His best-known works in English translation include The Anthology of Black Humour, Nadja, Mad Love, The Manifestoes of Surrealism, The Magnetic Fields (with Philippe Soupault) and Earthlight.

Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.

André Robert Breton (French: [ɑ̃dʁe ʁɔbɛʁ bʁətɔ̃]; 19 February 1896 – 28 September 1966) was a French writer and poet, the co-founder, leader, and principal theorist of surrealism. His writings include the first Surrealist Manifesto (Manifeste du surréalisme) of 1924, in which he defined surrealism as "pure psychic automatism". Along with his role as leader of the surrealist movement he is the author of celebrated books such as Nadja and L'Amour fou. Those activities, combined with his critical ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2024.

French biographies

André Breton, né le 19 février 1896 à Tinchebray dans l'Orne et mort le 28 septembre 1966 à Paris 10e, est un poète et écrivain français, principal animateur et théoricien du surréalisme. Auteur des livres Nadja, L'Amour fou et des différents Manifestes du surréalisme, son rôle de chef de file du mouvement surréaliste, et son œuvre critique et théorique pour l'écriture et les arts plastiques, font d'André Breton une figure majeure de l'art et de la littérature française du XXe siècle. Considéré ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on May 2024.

Arabic biographies

أندريه بروتون (بالفرنسية: André Robert Breton، 18 فبراير 1896- 28 سبتمبر 1966) كاتب وشاعر فرنسي ومناهض للفاشية. أبرز ما عُرف به أنه أحد مؤسسي السريالية وقائدها ومنظّرها الرئيسي وكبير المدافعين عنها. تضمنت كتاباته أول بيان سريالي (Manifeste du surréalisme) في عام 1924، والذي عرّف فيه السريالية على أنها «حركة عفوية نفسية نقية» (التلقائية السريالية هي طريقة لصنع الفن يقمع فيها الفنان سيطرة الوعي على عملية الصنع ما يسمح بأن يكون اللاوعي (العقل الباطن) المؤثرَ الأكبر). سيرة حياته كان برتون الابن ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2023.

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