

Biographies of Nabil Anani

Author Nabil Anani has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Nabil Anani (b.1943, Latroun, Palestine) graduated in Fine Art from Alexandra University, Egypt, in 1969. On his return to Palestine, he began a career as an artist and teacher trainer at the UN training college in Ramallah. Anani held his first exhibition in Jerusalem in 1972 and has since exhibited in solo and group shows in Europe, North America, the Middle East, North Africa and Japan. Anani was awarded (by Yasser Arafat) the first Palestinian National Prize for Visual Art in 1997 and became the head of the League of Palestinian Artists in 1998. Anani has played a key role in the establishment of the first International Academy of Fine Art in Palestine. He lives in Ramallah, Palestine.

Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.

Nabil Anani (Arabic: نبيل عناني born 1943), is a Palestinian artist and one of the founders of the contemporary Palestinian art movement. Biography After his graduation in 1969, from the faculty of Fine Arts at Alexandria University, Anani returned to Palestine to start his career as an artist and trainer at the UN training college in Ramallah. His first exhibition in Jerusalem was in 1972 and has since exhibited widely in Europe, North America, the Middle East, North Africa and Japan. He w...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2024.

Arabic biographies

نبيل عناني فنان تشكيلي ونحات فلسطيني (مواليد 1943 في حلحول – الخليل). تخرج من كلية الفنون الجميلة في الإسكندرية (قسم التصوير الزيتي). حاصل على درجة الماجستير في جامعة القدس (الآثار الإسلامية). يعمل الآن مدرساً في قسم الفنون في جامعة القدس. حياته المهنية 1975 عضو مؤسس لرابطة الفنانين التشكيليين الفلسطينيين في الضفة والقطاع. 1984 عضو في لجنة الأبحاث والتراث الشعبي الفلسطيني في جمعية إنعاش الأسرة، وشارك في كتاب (الأزياء الشعبية الفلسطينية) و(دليل فن التطريز الفلسطيني) وساعد في إقامة المتحف في ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2024.

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