

Layla Ussayran

Layla Ussayran

(1934 - 2007)

🇱🇧 Lebanon

Layla ʽUssayran (Arabic: ليلى عسيران, 1934–2007) was a Lebanese novelist. She was born in Sidon and received a BA in political science from the American University of Beirut. She worked for the Lebanese publisher Dar Al Sayyad. She was also a correspondent for the Egyptian magazine Rose al-Yūsuf. In 1996, she was named a knight in the National Order of the Cedar. Selected works Lan Namut Ghadan ("We will not die tomorrow") novel (1962) Al-Hiwar al-Akhras ("The mute conversation") novel (1963)...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on February 2024.

3 Books

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