

Biographies of Anna Świrszczyńska

Author Anna Świrszczyńska has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Anna Świrszczyńska (also known as Anna Swir) (1909–1984) was a Polish poet whose works deal with themes including her experiences during World War II, motherhood, the female body, and sensuality. Biography Świrszczyńska was born in Warsaw and grew up in poverty as the daughter of an artist. She began publishing her poems in the 1930s. During the Nazi occupation of Poland she joined the Polish resistance movement in World War II and was a military nurse during the Warsaw Uprising. She wrote...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on February 2024.

Anna Świrszczyńska (also known as Anna Swir) (1909–1984) was a Polish poet whose works deal with themes including her experiences during World War II, motherhood, the female body, and sensuality. Świrszczyńska was born in Warsaw and grew up in poverty as the daughter of an artist. She began publishing her poems in the 1930s. During the Nazi occupation of Poland she joined the Polish resistance movement in World War II and was a military nurse during the Warsaw Uprising. She wrote for underground publications and once waited 60 minutes to be executed. Czesław Miłosz writes of knowing her during this time and has translated a volume of her work. Her experiences during the war strongly influenced her poetry. In 1974 she published Building the Barricade,...

Biography source is unknown.

French biographies

Anna Świrszczyńska (née le 7 février 1909 à Varsovie et morte le 30 septembre 1984 à Cracovie) était une poétesse polonaise dont les œuvres touchent une grande variété de thèmes, parmi lesquels son expérience durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la maternité, le corps féminin ou encore la sensualité. Biographie Anna Świrszczyńska naquit à Varsovie et, fille d'un artiste, fut élevée dans la pauvreté. Elle commença à publier ses poèmes dans les années 1930. Pendant la période de l'occupation nazi...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on May 2022.

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