

Biographies of Haifa Bitar

Author Haifa Bitar has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

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Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on July 2022.

Haifa Basil Bitar (born 1960) is a Syrian author and ophthalmologist. She has won the Abi Al Qassem Al Shabbi prize for her collections The Fallen (2000) and The Whore (2003).

Bitar is an ophthalmologist and surgeon who works at both Latakia Governmental Hospital and her private clinic. She is a member of the Syrian Society of Story and Novel. She has been described as an "outspoken" novelist in The New Yorker and has participated in public discussion forums about a variety of topics.

According to Abir Hamdar, writing in The Female Suffering Body: Illness and Disability in Modern Arabic Literature (2014), her work "repeatedly seeks to offer an insight into the gritty reality...

Biography source is unknown.

Arabic biographies

د. هيفاء باسيل بيطار قاصة وروائية سورية. تعمل طبيبة اختصاصية في أمراض العيون وجراحتها وتعمل في مشفى اللاذقية الحكومي وعيادتها الخاصة. الدكتورة من مواليد مدينة اللاذقية عام 1960 كما انها عضو جمعية القصة والرواية في سوريا. ولها إنتاج قصصي وروائي غزير.

Biography source is unknown.

هيفاء بيطار روائية وقاصّة سورية. من إصداراتها عن دار الساقي: "وجوه من سوريا"، "امرأة في الخمسين"، "إمرأة من هذا العصر"، "فضاء كالقفص".

Biography was provided by Dar Al Saqi. Retrieved from here.

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