

Biographies of Sjón

Author Sjón has 5 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Sigurjón Birgir Sigurðsson (born 27 August 1962), known as Sjón ( SHOHN; Icelandic: [sjouːn]; meaning "sight" and being an abbreviation of his first name), is an Icelandic poet, novelist, lyricist, and screenwriter. Sjón frequently collaborates with the singer Björk and has performed with The Sugarcubes as Johnny Triumph. His works have been translated into 30 languages. Early life Born in Reykjavík, Iceland, Sjón grew up in the city's Breiðholt district, where he lived with his mother. He be...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2024.

Sjón is a celebrated Icelandic poet and novelist. His novels have been translated into twenty-five languages, including The Whispering Muse. Sjón won the ‘Best Icelandic Novel’ for The Whispering Muse in 2005. Also a songwriter, he has written lyrics for Björk, including for her eight studio album, Biophilia.

Biography was provided by Saqi Books. Retrieved from here.

French biographies

Sigurjón Birgir Sigurðsson, connu sous le pseudonyme de Sjón, est un artiste, écrivain et intellectuel islandais, né à Reykjavik le 27 août 1962. Publiant notamment des poèmes et des romans, il est également connu comme parolier pour de nombreuses chansons de Björk. Biographie Sigurðsson amorce sa carrière d'écrivain dès l'âge de 15 ans, avec le recueil de poèmes Sýnir (« Visions »), paru en 1978. Il publie ensuite de nombreux autres recueils de poèmes, mais aussi des romans (à partir de 1987...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on April 2024.

Arabic biographies

شون (مواليد 27 أغسطس 1962) هو شاعر، روائي وكاتب سيناريو آيسلندي، تعاون كثيراً مع المغنية بيورك وتمت ترجمة أعماله إلى 30 لغة. المراجع بوابة آيسلندا بوابة أدب بوابة أدب أطفال بوابة أعلام بوابة شعر بوابة مسرح بوابة موسيقى

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on October 2023.

ولد في ركيافيك، العاصمة الآيسلندية، العام 1962. نشر أولى مجموعاته وهو في سنّ السادسة عشرة. وتتالت مؤلّفاته بعد ذلك لتشمل الشعر، الرواية، المسرحيات وكتب الأطفال. رشّح اسمه لنيل أوسكار أفضل أغنية كتبها في فيلم "راقصة في الظلام". صدر له عن دار الساقي:

Biography was provided by Dar Al Saqi. Retrieved from here.

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