

Biographies of Yasmine Hanoosh

Author Yasmine Hanoosh has 4 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Yasmeen Hanoosh is a fiction writer, literary translator, and professor at the department of World Languages and Literatures at Portland State University, where she directs the Arabic program. She’s the author of the monograph The Chaldeans: Politics and Identity in Iraq and the American Diaspora (Bloomsbury, 2019). As a fiction writer, Yasmeen has published a short story collection, Ardh al-Khayrat al-Mal’unah (The Land of Cursed Riches, Al-Ahliyyah Press, 2021). Her second collection, Atfal al-Jannah al-Mankubah (Children of Afflicted Paradise, Kotob Khan, forthcoming), has been translated and excerpted in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Italian. Her English translations of Arabic fiction have appeared in various literary journals and publications, including World Literature Today, Banipal, Journal of Arabic Literature, ArabLit Quarterly, and The Iowa Review.

Biography was provided by ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly.

Yasmeen Hanoosh is a fiction writer, literary translator, and professor at the department of World Languages and Literatures at Portland State University, where she directs the Arabic program. She’s the author of the monograph The Chaldeans: Politics and Identity in Iraq and the American Diaspora (Bloomsbury, 2019). As a fiction writer, Yasmeen has published a short story collection, Ardh al-Khayrat al-Mal’unah (The Land of Cursed Riches, Al-Ahliyyah Press, 2021). Her second collection, Atfal al-Jannah al-Mankubah (Children of Afflicted Paradise, Kotob Khan, forthcoming), has been translated and excerpted in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Italian. Her English translations of Arabic fiction have appeared in various literary journals and publications, including World Literature Today, Banipal, Journal of Arabic Literature, ArabLit Quarterly, and The Iowa Review.

Biography was provided by ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly.

Arabic biographies

ياسمين حنوش أكاديمية ومترجمة عراقية. ولدت في البصرة عام 1978. وانتقلت إلى الولايات المتحدة عام 1995، وحصلت على درجة البكالوريوس، الماجستير والدكتوراه من جامعة ميشيغان. عنوان الأطروحة الدكتوراه المقدمة عام 2008، كان «سياسات الأقليات: الكلدان بين العراق وأمريكا». وهي حاليا أستاذة اللغة العربية في جامعة ولاية بورتلاند

Biography was retrieved from here.

ياسمين حنوش أكاديمية ومترجمة عراقية. ولدت في البصرة عام 1978. وانتقلت إلى الولايات المتحدة عام 1995، وحصلت على درجة البكالوريوس، الماجستير والدكتوراه من جامعة ميشيغان. عنوان الأطروحة الدكتوراه المقدمة عام 2008، كان «سياسات الأقليات: الكلدان بين العراق وأمريكا». وهي حاليا أستاذة اللغة العربية في جامعة ولاية بورتلاند

Biography was retrieved from here.

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