

Biographies of Fowziyah Abu Khalid

Author Fowziyah Abu Khalid has 3 biographies on kotobli

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English biographies

Fowziyah Abu Khalid is one of Saudi Arabia’s leading modern poets and is considered the first prose poet in Saudi Arabia. Her first collection, Until When They Abduct You on Your Wedding Night?, was published in 1974. Her poetry has been translated into English, French, and German, and she has won many prestigious awards.

Biography was provided by ArabLit & ArabLit Quarterly.

Fawziyya Abu Khalid (Arabic:فوزية أبو خالد) (born in 1955) is a Saudi Arabian poet, essayist, sociologist, and professor. Her poetry is noted for its prominent political motifs and focus on women's ability to attain education and freedom. Her literary reputation was established by the publication of her first poetry collection, Until When Will They Abduct You on Your Wedding Night? (1974). She went on to publish two other poetry collections, entitled the Secret Readings in the History of Arab Si...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on June 2024.

Arabic biographies

فوزية أبو خالد (1955 -)، شاعرة وكاتبة سعودية، تعد رائدة قصيدة النثر في السعودية. وهي أكاديمية وباحثة في القضايا الاجتماعية والسياسية مع تركيزها على أطروحات الرأي والتحليل العلمي الاجتماعي في (القضايا الوطنية وقضايا الحقوق والمرأة والطفولة). دراستها بدأت دراستها الجامعية بالجامعة الأمريكية ببيروت وأتمتها بكلية لويس وكلارك ببورتلاند أوريغن بالولايات المتحدة. حصلت على درجة الماجستير من جامعة الملك سعود في البعد الاجتماعي لعمل المرأة الزراعي بمنطقة عسير وتهامة بجنوب المملكة العربية السعودية حصلت ...

Biography was retrieved from Wikipedia and was last updated on December 2023.

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