Amal Eqeiq is a native Palestinian born in the city of Al-Taybeh. She is a writer, a scholar, an activist and an occasional poet. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Washington. The title of her dissertation is Writing the Indigenous: Contemporary Mayan Literature in Chiapas, Mexico and Palestinian Literature in Israel. Currently, she is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic and Comparative Literature at Williams College. Her research interests include: Modern Arab Literature and Popular Culture, Palestinian Studies, Feminism(s), Performance Studies, Translation, Indigenous Studies in the Americas, Literature of the Global South and Creative Writing. Amal is the receipt of several fellowships and awards, including a writing residency at Hedgebrook: Women Authoring Change, a dissertation fellowship from the American Association of Univeristy Women and the Dean’s Medal in Humanities from the Univeristy of Washington.
Biography source is unknown.