

Ahlam Mosteghanemi Meets Paulo Coelho in Beirut

Ahlam Mosteghanemi Meets Paulo Coelho in Beirut

Tala Haidar (Author)


Edition published in 2021 in English language

Visiting Beirut for different motives, Ahlam and Paulo meet coincidentally. They forge a compelling intellectual affinity while enjoying the city and meeting a variety of Lebanese youth along the way. As the stories of the young ladies and men unfold. revealing a diversity of social issues, Ahlam and Paulo get even more intrigued by this city and the whole country. Having a common universal passion for life and having fought for common causes, Ahlam and Paulo find inspiration in a city whose people, especially the youth, are experiencing October 17 Uprising. Covid-19, Beirutshima, and economic devastation during the span of less than two years. This book is a story of life with passionate characters, fueled by resilience, in a passionate city that never dies.

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