

Desert Songs

Desert Songs: Poetry by Yahia Lababidi

Yahia Lababidi (Author)

Zakaria Wakrim (Contributor)

Osama Esber (Translator)


Desert Songs: Poetry by Yahia Lababidi

Edition published in 2022 in English language

Lababidi seems to have something other, and otherworldly, in mind. The poet crafts a mythic Egypt... a land abundant with connotation, fertile with image and nuance. Its mountains are an "imperishable memory of the desert/craniums exposed, crumbling horribly" and a "school of inscrutable sphinxes/master storytellers sworn to secrecy." The desert "is a cemetery/picking its teeth with bones."

Words are an imperfect tool with which the poet tries to reflect a spirit that is the poem's true subject... Perhaps he will approach more closely the unreachable goal of mining the spirit that, in his view, masses beneath the surface of what a poet can directly observe or his words precisely describe.

?Patrick Meighan, author, editor and professor.


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