

A Constant Longing

A Constant Longing: Memoirs of a Palestinian Woman

Halima Alaiyan (Author)

Biography or Memoir

Edition published in 2014 in English language

In 1948, when Halima was barely a year old, her village, Ibdis in Palestine, was destroyed by Israeli soldiers. With that, she began a life in exile.

First she was shuttled to Egypt, then to Saudi Arabia, and finally to Germany, where, after escaping her abusive husband and their arranged marriage, she became an orthopaedic specialist.

Overcoming the harsher aspects for women of Muslim custom, the barriers of language, and family strife would be story enough, but even more remarkable has been Alaiyan’s ability to understand and set aside her prejudice of Jews and to gain international recognition for encouraging dialogue between young people in Europe, Israel, and Palestine.

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