

Colonial Tales

Colonial Tales: The Confines of the Shadow Vol II

Alessandro Spina (Author)

André Naffis-Sahely (Translator)


Italian invasion of Libya


Edition published in 2018 in English language
“The Italian Joseph Conrad” Libero“A 20th Century Balzac” Il GiornaleThe short stories which comprise the second volume of The Confines of the Shadow are set in the interwar period, between the late 1920s, when Italy began solidifying its power in its new Libyan colony, and the end of World War II, when control of the country passed into British hands. Spina’s chief subjects in these stories are Italian military officers who idle their time away at their club or exploring the strange lands where they have been posted, always at odds between the jingoistic education they received at home and the lessons they’ve learned during their time in Libya.

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