In 2012, Rowayat روايات launched as a literary journal platforming the hybrid writer, focusing on E...
Nehal El-Hadi investigates the relationships between the body (racialised, gendered), place (urban, virtual), and technology (internet, health...
Fatin Abbas is the author of GHOST SEASON: A NOVEL (W.W. Norton, US & Canada; Jacaranda, UK, 2023; also forthcoming from Rowohlt Berlin in Germ...
Sara Mansour was born in Madani, Sudan. Mansour and her husband, Essam, lived in Saudi Arabia before immigrating to the United States. They have li...
نفيسة مصطفى الشرقاوي (أم أحمد) أول صحفية سودانية ، تلقت تعليمها الأول بمدينة عطبره بولاية نهر النيل ثم تزوج...
Muhammad el-Mahdi el-Magzoub (1919–1982) was born in El-Damar, northern Sudan, to a renowned Sufi family. He graduated from the School of Accountan...
In 2012, Rowayat روايات launched as a literary journal platforming the hybrid writer, focusing on E...