

Riad El-Rayyes Books

🇱🇧 Lebanon

Establishment date: 1986
Riyad Al Rayes Books was established in London in 1986. Its first publication was published in 1987. The publisher has gone through different stages, during which it has issued more than a thousand titles, a number that few publishing houses in the Arab world have achieved. Most of the authors were new writers. As for the well-known and most famous, the house published their best production. Most of the published books were controversial and stimulating criticism.

10 books

صلات بلا وصل
فيروز والرحابنة
جروح في شجر النخيل
الديمقراطية ثورة
حرير وحديد
ثورات بلا ثوار
قتلت أمي لأحيا
اقتصاد ودولة للبنان // An Economy and a State for Lebanon
الإنتخابات النيابية اللبنانية 2016-2019

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